Our 2023 Projects

PROJECT 1 : Boy Child Uplifting Program and Basic Education and Literacy Program in Kubo Primary School, Busia District

Key Activities:

  1. Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)
    1. Activity Description: At 11:30am, everything else was dropped (DEAR) and the P7 boys took turns in reading a story “Jomo’s Twin” to an audience that included pupils, teachers, and parents. The Rotarians joined the boys in reading mainly to give them confidence in expressing themselves when reading to an audience.
    2. Outcome: Improved literacy
  2. Mentorship session with the school football team
    1. Activity Description: A closed-door carrier guidance session with the school football team was held by the “Boy Child” Rotarians and the football team shared their challenges which included; they borrow a ball from the neighbouring school if they must play, they have no jerseys, they registered to participate in a league and had raised 20,000 but needed 30,000. The football team pledged that if they are supported by the club, the wins they will bring from leagues will be attributed to EClub Naguru. This led to a follow up activity where balls, jerseys and a drum were donated to the school.
    2. Outcomes: enhanced participation of learners in co-curricular activities leading to wholistic development.
  • Mentorship session with upper primary girls
    1. Activity Description: The “Girl child” Rotarians had an interesting and engaging career guidance session with the girls of upper primary (P5-P7). They took the girls through menstrual hygiene discussion, had a demonstration on use of sanitary pads and the girls shared challenges they were facing.
    2. Outcomes: Confident and empowered girls
  1. Donation of Scholastic Materials
    1. Activity Description: Handing over of the donations: The E-Club of Naguru handed over education materials that included 90 BELEP books, 48 primary seven textbooks for four subjects, nine cartons of sanitary towels and seven cartons of chalk to boost pupils learning and improve the school’s academic performance. HCP Evelyn handed over to the DIS and the Head Teacher who promised to use the materials for the purpose for which they are meant.
    2. Outcomes: These materials will enhance the learning experience for students at Kubo Primary School, particularly in improving literacy and mathematics.
PEOJECT 2 : Boy Child Uplifting Program and Basic Education and Literacy Program in Pagak Primary School, Amuru District

Key Activities:

  1. Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)
    1. Activity Description: Everything else was dropped (DEAR) and the P7 boys took turns in reading a story “Jomo’s Twin” and “Jomo’s Uniform” to an audience that included pupils, teachers, and parents. The Rotarians joined the boys in reading mainly to give them confidence in expressing themselves when reading to an audience.
    2. Outcome: Improved literacy
  2. Mentorship session with Upper Primary boys
    1. Activity Description: A closed-door carrier guidance session with the upper primary boys was held by the “Boy Child” Rotarians. Thereafter, a football penalty shootout beetween the learners and rotarians in which the students won 4:1 was played;
    2. Outcomes: Confident learners who are wholistically developed.
  • Tree planting
    1. Activity Description: The Rotaract club of Gulu donated 100 seedlings: 50 mangoes, 50 avocadoes and 100 jackfruits. The fruit trees were planted around the school.
    2. Outcomes: Environmental conservation and community development as well as nutritional benefits


  1. Donation of Scholastic Materials
    1. Activity Description: The E-Club of Naguru handed over education materials that included 90 BELEP books, reusable sanitary towels to the gild children of upper primary and seven cartons of chalk. In addition, mathematical sets were given to all the 64 candidates in primary 7.
    2. Outcomes: These materials will enhance the learning experience for students at Pagak Primary School, particularly in improving literacy and mathematics.
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